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Bachelor of Science International Business start date 01.08.2018 in Hamburg


- Hamburg -

Wir sind eine international erfolgreiche Modemarke und in 30 Ländern weltweit vertreten. bonprix zählt zu den Top E-Commerce Unternehmen in Europa und ist eines der umsatzstärksten Unternehmen der Otto Group. Wir beschäftigen rund 3.000 Mitarbeiter und bieten durch unser Geschäftsmodell, unsere Innovationsfähigkeit und das internationale Wachstum beste Karrierechancen.

Was wir von dir erwarten:

  • We are looking for you as motivated and open minded colleague who likes to take the initiative
  • You manage your tasks with ambition and a sense of responsibility
  • You have the ability to work independently
  • You like to think outside the box and face new challenges
  • Your good comprehension for economic interrelationships and your interest in international cooperation form the basis for your study programme
  • You are  highly proficient in English, all lectures will be held in English

Was wir dir bieten:

  • An exciting cooperative study programme in cooperation with the renown Nordakademie in Elmshorn
  • You will pass through individual assignments in different departments
  • You will spend  a period of working abroad in one of our subsidiary companies, for example USA
  • During your project assignments you can put your theoretical knowledge into practice

Was du noch wissen solltest:

  • For this course of studies an advanced technical college certificate (Fachhochschulreife) or a graduation deploma (Abitur) is required
  • The training period/apprenticeship takes 3,5 years
  • Start of the study programme is the 1st of August
  • Application period starts one year in advance

Extra Informationen

IT / Software-Entwicklung / Programmierung, Verkauf / Retail
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Hamburg | IT Jobs | Verkauf Jobs | Karrierestarter

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